Position on Kinship Care
We support the need for children to remain with their biological family where possible.
All avenues for family care need to be explored.
The suitability of kinship care needs to be explored; however, it should not be viewed as a given just because of biological connection. This includes all family types such as same-sex, grandparents etc.
We believe that family history needs to be considered, especially where intergenerational abuse has been identified.
It is important not to put children in the care of grandparents or other kinship care who were abusive of the parents or have a history of abuse to children.
We must be aware that a family member may have contributed to the way a parent was parented.
We believe that Kinship Carers must have the same training and support as Foster Parents.
All Kinship Carers need a police check and child safety clearance.
All avenues for family care need to be explored.
The suitability of kinship care needs to be explored; however, it should not be viewed as a given just because of biological connection. This includes all family types such as same-sex, grandparents etc.
We believe that family history needs to be considered, especially where intergenerational abuse has been identified.
It is important not to put children in the care of grandparents or other kinship care who were abusive of the parents or have a history of abuse to children.
We must be aware that a family member may have contributed to the way a parent was parented.
We believe that Kinship Carers must have the same training and support as Foster Parents.
All Kinship Carers need a police check and child safety clearance.