About Us
Child Protection Party
Our Values
The Child Protection Party has many values. The ones we consider most important are
- Accountability - everyone should be held accountable for the decisions they make and the actions they take.
- Authenticity - transparency, empathy and honesty are fundamental to good practice.
- Equality & Diversity - the Party does not discriminate against any person on any grounds.
- Integrity - when creating policies, we will align each policy with our values, vision and mission.
Our Vision
To create a world where every child is treated fairly and with respect, a world where the rights of the children are consistently upheld and access to appropriate resources are easily accessible, establishing an environment that gives all children the greatest possible chance of success in their lives.
Our Mission
Our aim is to correct the deficiencies in the legislation and associated regulations affecting families. We are focused on achieving the best possible outcomes for all children and their carers. We will achieve this by gaining elected representation thereby enabling the Party to challenge the current systems in place.
Empowering young people as they transition into adulthood.
Promoting the rights of all children is at the forefront of future decision making.
Empowering young people as they transition into adulthood.
Promoting the rights of all children is at the forefront of future decision making.
Our History
In January 2015, after 20+ years as a social worker, Tony Tonkin (pictured left) had grown to be very disenchanted with the way the South Australian Department of Child Protection (then called Families SA) worked.
Over the years he had seen many examples of truly poor decisions being made ny the Department and he concluded that the time was long overdue for something to be done about it.
Tony placed an advert in a local newspaper, The Advertiser, inviting anyone interested in forming a political party to effect substantive change for children to visit his home on 15th January.
He was flooded with calls and had around 30 people attend. After several hours of discussion, it was agreed that a political party would be established in South Australia with the aim of gaining elected representation so that the voices of children could - at long last - be heard.
A committee was formed and a recruitment drive for members started. At first, membership growth was slow but, with the setting up of a Facebook page, membership picked up. People from all across Australia learned about the Party and signed up. The Party had many inquiries from people outside of Australia expressing an interest in joining.
In early 2017, the Party was successfuly registered in South Australia and shortly after that as a Federal Party.
In the 2017 State Election with Tony Tonkin and Nadia Bergineti on the ticket, the Party achieved a respectable 16000 first preference votes. Respectable and remarkable considering that the Party had very little money with 98% of the cost of the election (around $30,000) being borne by just 3 senior members of the Executive.
In the 2019 Federal election, we made the mistake of running for a lower house seat achieving less than 900 votes. A mistake because, as we learned, people vote in the lower house for the issues that directly affect them - cost of living, transport, health etc - and not for specific issues such as child protection. Also in 2019, the Party decided to let it's Federal registration lapse since child protection is (wrongly) a state and not a federal issue.
In 2022, not having the $6000 demanded by the State Government for 2 candidates to run for office, the Party entered into an agreement with Real Change SA in the hope of getting at least 1 person, ideally both, elected. Sadly it was not to be.
Although the Child Protection Party can't claim the credit, 3 policies we have long advocated for have come to fruition, in SA at least. Registration of social workers is now mandatory, increased spending on public housing has been introduced and, in February 2024, the State Government introduced family conferences as a means of working through issues rather than always using the confrontational and frightening court system.
In early 2023, after many years as a social worker and 7 as Party leader, Tony came to the conclusion that it was time to step back and retire. He is now enjoying a well earned retirement with his wife, Dee.
The Child Protection Party is the only political party in Australia who represents the voices of children. From what we can see, we are the only political party with a focus on children on the entire planet.
The Party will uphold the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights as well as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Every child, where possible, should have the opportunity to live with their biological family.
Children who are in care, disabled, intellectually challenged, suicidal, use drugs or have mental well-being issues require adults to listen to them and provide appropriate services which will meet their needs and make their lives happier and productive. They need a powerful voice in Parliament.
Your membership and, just as importantly, if not more so, your vote will ensure a better future for all children so, please consider joining. Membership is only $20/year. Just click the Join button at the top of the page. Sadly, due to a lack of support from our South Australian members, the Party was deregistered in SA on 24th October 2024.
The Party will uphold the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights as well as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Every child, where possible, should have the opportunity to live with their biological family.
Children who are in care, disabled, intellectually challenged, suicidal, use drugs or have mental well-being issues require adults to listen to them and provide appropriate services which will meet their needs and make their lives happier and productive. They need a powerful voice in Parliament.
Your membership and, just as importantly, if not more so, your vote will ensure a better future for all children so, please consider joining. Membership is only $20/year. Just click the Join button at the top of the page. Sadly, due to a lack of support from our South Australian members, the Party was deregistered in SA on 24th October 2024.
Image by Charles McArthur from Pixabay.
“Children have the right to say what they think should happen when adults are making decisions that affect them and to have their opinions taken into account.”
“Children who have any kind of disability should receive special care and support so that they can live a full and independent life.”
“Children who are looked after by their local authority rather than their parents should have the situation reviewed regularly.”
“Children who have any kind of disability should receive special care and support so that they can live a full and independent life.”
“Children who are looked after by their local authority rather than their parents should have the situation reviewed regularly.”
You can support the Party for as little as the cost of a cup of coffee.